It seems like it's a different blog site.
I've been meaning to change almost everything about my blog site. This was established mainly for the purpose of letting my frustrations out for cooking. Though this was the case, I have allowed myself to post entries that are not food-related. But as I've browsed through my page, there are now more entries talking about myself and not really about what I intended to at the first place. So I decided to do this big change.
It is an open book now and not my food diary. The new title gives me more a little freedom on what to write, after all this is what blogging is all about right? Plus, I don't want people to be disappointed when they are expecting to read food-related entries (just in case there are people..).
What to expect from this site? Yes, you've guessed it right.. It maybe all about the ranting and the complains about work or the hopeless romantic in me or the thoughts that go through my head and I couldn't just let it out easily... So really, what goes.
This blog is really a personal gain for me. Thus, the subtitle. It isn't about pleasing people, rather it is about discovering and understanding myself.
Cheers to the rebirth of my blog site:!
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