Monday, August 12, 2013

Just because it's a lazy morning.

Time Check: 09:35 AM

35 minutes after I have logged in for work. Not too early today because of massive people riding my ever so favorite MRT. 

Already started a bit of work. Read and deleted mails. Replied to outpouring office communicator messages left from yesterday's. Drafted mails to meet deadlines.Released and updated PL adjustments. Blah blah blah.

Today, didn't started off too well. It's actually a spill over of such a bad day yesterday. Almost didn't go to work today because I feel shit and all. But but.. I have to fight it. After all, work is kind of my happy place. My workstation is my private space that I can always be myself. Though work will always be there, at least in my desk, I can forget about things that too petty to matter and too dumb for me to even care about. 

You see, there are people not worthy to be in your life. Not being a snob or arrogant.. more of being picky because you want to grow. Some people are anchors who will pull you down. Either your stagnant or you sink to their lowliness. My piece of advice? DON'T. It's a choice. A mature one. When you get older, you start to let go of people unworthy of time (yours and theirs) and choose people who matter. People who are genuine. People who truly love you. And by love, it can mean saying that you are moody (or brat even), fragile, fat, etc. and still accept the way you are  (not because they have to, but because they want to). 

People who are meant to be in your life are persistent. That no matter how broken you can get, they know and believe that you can overcome whatever life throws at you. 

Let go of anchors and baggage. Keep those who bring you up and make you better.

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