Monday, December 9, 2013

(Christmas) Wishlist 2013

1. Vacation.
20 vacation leaves are not enough for an employee... especially employees following another country's holiday calendar. Some VLs are imposed as it is the holiday of the country you are providing service to. Unless, one has planned a superb vacation calendar where s/he has plotted strategically his/her leaves on some of the foreign holidays then bravo! But unfortunately, this is rarely the case because you also have to consider colleagues who has already planned out their calendar first. It's kind of a race to have a good vacation date plotted on the team's calendar. 

On my third year in the so-called 'real world', I appreciate every VL that I get to spend. It was only during my 2nd year that I am really able to sort of planned it out without any leaves being carried over to next year. In fact, I want some more VLs (wait, who doesn't?). This is contrary to what had happened in my first year where my leaves where not almost used and I was forced to used them by the end of the year so they won't get forfeited as we are only allowed to carry over 5 VLs per year. 

 Factoring in the travels I have had the opportunity to have this year, I am really engrossed to have vacations! It was only this year that I have realized that travelling is super fun! It's VERY costly but it was very much compensated with learning and experience. 

2. (Gourmet) Cooking/Baking Class
I miss cooking. I am no Martha Stewart or Gordon Ramsey. I think I have more of the Aling Kim's Carienderia type of food. Hahaha! I can cook a little gourmet but I have more Filipino style in terms of cooking. I'd like to deviate to that a little and challenge myself to do a little different which is gourmet cooking or baking. 

3. Spa Day
I have always loved going to the spa. Gives me that royalty kind of feeling. It is really a luxury. But it won't hurt if I get to have it once in a while right? Especially when I truly deserve to have it! 

4. Electric Juicer / Induction or Electric Cooker
A sucker for high-tech cooking appliance. Latest iPhone versus Latest cooking appliance? I would probably go for the latter. Cooking made easy, fun and techie! The two items I listed off are top priorities in the cooking appliance department! Plus, it would help my ultimate fitness goal of eating healthy because I get to prepare my own food and not rely on the nearby food stores which are usually cooked in so much oil.

5. Surprise
I love Christmas more than my birthday. Of course, it should be that way! It's the day Christ was born! :) But, in terms of celebration, I really love how Christmas brings everyone together. More than the gifts, it's the thought that was put into that gift and how you were reminded by that person that you are special... more than the lights, it's how each place is given hope... more than holiday breaks, it's how we spend time with our loved ones... more than any material anything... it's the joy that is brought to us by the celebration of the birth of Christ. 

If we can take time to surprise someone, with kind words and gentle gesture... WHY NOT right. And yes, I want one too. :) No judgements! This is my wishlist! Hahaha!

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