Friday, December 30, 2011

The 2011.

The highlights of my 2011.

1. Graduation.

2. Employment.

3. Good team and company.

4.  Lost 13 pounds. (But gained it again)

Well I was still high school here, but I was hoping I could bring back the old sexier me. Hahaha!

5. Addiction to HIMYM.

 6. First time ever: me as an inspirational/motivational speaker.

7. Independence.

This isn't the the condo I live in but the set-up is pretty cool. I promise to take photos of my new home soon.

8. Addiction to twitter.
9. Hair color. First time. (dyed it back to dark brown now)
10. Trips.
Laguna, Tagaytay, Pagupud, Ilocos,and Bangkok

11. Attending a wedding after a bazillion years.

12. Chef for a month at Marciano's

Located at 2F Greenbelt 3. 


13 Ben. 
14 Reunited with my family.

Cheers everyone! Happy 2012!

After 2 months.

So what happened?
1. I wasn't home for two months (November 7-December 23, 2011)
2. 2-month worth of bonus was spent on condo-living things. 
3. Had a huge fight with mom and dad hence number 1 and 2. 
4. For the weekends I was usually at the condo watching series or stuffing myself with Mercato or fast food, going out with friends or Ben, or sleeping. (no ranking but I think sleeping and eating are tie to first place)
5. Ooooh, I went to Ilocos and Pagudpud for 4 days. 
6. I have watched more HIMYM.
7. My shift changed from 6am - 3pm to 11 am - 8 pm to cater to London processes. If you'd ask me which shift I prefer? Nothing because both has it's perks and disadvantages.
8. I got the chance to talk to my office crush. He discussed to my one of the books I was covering. Smart ass.
9. I have gained what I lost. (those extra pounds)
10. Tried smoking. Had a 1-week smoking phase. But no mooooore. 
11. Had gone through suicidal stage.
12. Doubting (yes up to now) my religion. I hope this is just a phase.
13. Felt lost with work with all the restructuring. 
14. Ate, Kuya Randy, Ben and I got really close and have done double dates at home.
15. My parents and I are slowly getting okay after the huge fight. 

A rollercoaster ride. An ironic life. 

Glad that I am ending 2011 in one piece, alive, and thankful.